Friday, November 28, 2008

Christmas Eve; I mean, Black Friday

Its the longest night of the year. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. I wanted to make sure I got plenty of sleep, so I took a sleeping pill plenty early. I went to bed 7 hours from the time I needed to wake up, and drank plenty of water. You'd think this was Christmas Eve, but in essence, this is my first Black Friday.

Hell, I'm 29 years old now. You'd think I would have done this before. Even in my 3 years experience at Wal-Mart that I'd have worked at least one Black Friday. Not so; I was always in positions where I didn't need to be there before 5:00 a.m.

But there I lay, wide awake, wondering if I had slept too long and had missed my alarm. I looked at my clock and read the time. 11:34 p.m. Is this a joke? I check another clock and it says the same. I go back to bed, relieved that I didn't miss it. I begin to dream one thing after another, long dreams that go on for an incalculable amount of time.

I awaken, suddenly aware that its still dark outside. I surely missed it this time. 1:27 a.m. You've got to be kidding me! Again I lay back and try to sleep, but its getting harder now. Dreams come, longer ones this time, and all interconnected. I dream of anticipating Black Friday, and deep inside, I realize I need to get up.

My eyes pop open, and I look for the clock. 2:43 a.m. Its 1.5 hrs before I need to get up. I've gone to bed later than this before. But this time I can't sleep. I toss and turn, and eventually decide that I might as well get up and start that blog I've been putting off for so long.


Jaymee said...

Looking forward to more especially in the NASA stuph.

Geritt said...

Oh, then you weren't concerned about me not getting any sleep then? ;)

Courtney said...

i seriously laughed out loud at this...except for the fact that after reading this i realized how dumb i am to stay up all night long every thanksgiving night just to save $10 on a toaster or some other insignificant item. Although this year Brigham decided to place a 36' LCD tv in my basket at walmart...he thought he was gonna get lucky. love your blog..keep it up!