Friday, March 13, 2009

The Walking Dead

Okay, so perhaps I'm not actually dead. I have the walking pneumonia, which is kind of like the walking dead, right? The walking pneumonia is that wonderful balance between too ill to go to work, and to well to call in sick. I look, move, feel, and act fine. However, when I cough I sound like a backfiring 1974 Ford Pinto. I'll just neglect to mention the amount of phlegm that comes up when I sneeze. Definitely don't want to mention that.

The insomnia hasn't gone away, though. Its more annoying than anything else. Can't shut my mind down, and the tops of my legs are still cold even when the rest of my body is dying to throw the covers off.

There's no race this weekend, so I'll enjoy a nice day at church. The week after that is Bristol. /drool Brrrriiiiissssttoooollll.

I think this would be a great time to throw in a plug for my favorite Nationwide series driver, Brendan Gaughan. I saw him drive in the truck series for many years, and have always liked the guy. A lot of class, smart, and definitely funny. He's quietly sitting 4th in the Nationwide points. It'd be awesome to see him challenge for the title this year. Next time I'm in Vegas (probably this summer), I'm going to stop by the South Point casino (his sponsor).

Dad doesn't want to go to the Sonoma race this year. Boooooo. He says its money issues again. My parents are such weenies when it comes to traveling. The race isn't til June for heaven sake. There's plenty of time to save up.

And finally, Glenn Beck's "We Surround Them" special tonight was awesome. Here's some youtube links.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

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