Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas in Bed

Well, I finally broke down and went to a doctor ($92). I had a sinus infection and a cold virus. No wonder DayQuil wasn't touching it. And I had rubbed my eyes too much, apparently; I also had conjunctivitis (aka Pinkeye). The doctor wrote me a prescription for the pinkeye ($40) and antibiotics for the sinus infection ($35). This essentially drained the rest of my account. Too bad, too I guess; the tires I need to get around in two feet snow had to wait until mom and dad broke down and lent me some funds. Thanks Mom and Dad; you're the awesomest! I got paid on Christmas Eve, and bought Brig a gift. The rest of the check is going for bills and rent. Oh yeah, and to pay back mom and dad. Such is life. Too bad I'm still coughing.

So far I'm seriously sucking at my College Football pool. That'll teach me not to gamble.

Ohh, and the TCU vs BSU game was awesome. It doesn't matter that BSU lost. It was close, physical, and intense game to the bitter end.

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