Sunday, September 13, 2009

The mixed bag

I managed to secure a place to live in Pocatello. The deposit is paid and the papers signed. Lucky me, I get to live in the same place I lived three years ago. Same awesome landlord and same two roommates. I'll be moving during this week, likely Tuesday. Its going to be nice not having to drive 45 miles to go to school. Or driving 40 minutes to play games with my brothers. Or spending $60/week on fuel to continue said lifestyle. It will be nice to be able to walk to class in the mornings.

Then there's the flip side. I'm leaving my awesome apartment behind. Its so big, with huge rooms, an actual shower (not a tub/shower; icky), a large kitchen, and a fireplace. I'm leaving that all behind. But the worst part is, I'm leaving my awesome roommate behind. Its so hard to say goodbye. He's been like a brother to me. He gets my cheeky humor and tolerates my nerdy ways. He buys me lunch, and I buy him dinner. He takes me to TSR and I take him to EBR-1. I'll miss playing Left 4 Dead with him. I'll even miss his eccentric cat Molly. Its been a fun ride and I wish it could have lasted longer. Thank you, Sean Boswell. You will always be my friend.

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